Monday, January 23, 2012

Peer Critique

Allison's Vintage Colorization: This picture is mainly black and white but certain colors on the suit and hair make the image seem to "pop" or stand out. The boy in the image seems to look emotionless as well. It seems as though he wants to look proper holding a book and wearing nice clothing.
   This photo is very organized and clean. The color that was put into the image is applied very well and is fits well with the image. It blue and orange aren't light enought that they would blend in with the suddle colors in the image. But they arent vibrant and make the image look obviously edited.
   The boy in this image seems to be smiling, but I feel that he looks unhappy. It seems to me that the image is showing that ones wardrobe and fake smiles can often cover up our true emotions. It seems cliche to say, but this image says "Please, just let me get this picture over with already!"

Friday, January 6, 2012

Iconic Photo Analysis

Gloria Swanson
Photograph By: Edward Steichen

   Edward Steichen was an American photographer, born in 1879. He was mostly known for his photos published in Vogue. Steichen originally wanted to pursue a career in painting and went helped create the Art Students League. His plans soon changed as in 1896 his father gave him his first camera and he became drawn to photography after that moment.

   I found this photo interesting because of the woman's eyes. They seems to show a lot emotion and the picture as a whole is looks delicate and detailed. The flowers in the lace shape like they were meant to make her face the center point of the photo but at the same time it was meant to look hidden.

   Photos in fashion photography have been greatly influenced by this photo. Steichen introduced a crisp, clean image rather than a fuzzy one. His images made a huge significance for theatrical and commercial photography.