Friday, February 10, 2012

Filter Experimentation

Fake Model Photography

5 Common Techniques in Forced Perspective Photography

1) Playing with light and shadow
2)Drawing a portion of the scene of paper
3) Positioning of foreground and background to create an appealing image.

4) Size and proportion changes
5) Correct positioning of the camera to create a successful image.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Types of Perspective in Photography

1) Linear Point Perspective- This image is taken at such a point were the two distinct lines created from the bridge start to converge into one focal vanishing point.

2)Rectilinear Perspective- This picture is pretty "straight forward." (Haha get it?) All the lines in this photo that would been seen as straight to the human eye have remained straight in the image. It resembles exactly what someone would see as if they were looking at the scene with their own eyes.

3) False Perspective-  This picture has a "fish eye" view and lines that would appear to be straight to the human eye have been reproduced in a cylindrical fashion.

4) Vanishing Point Perspective- All line in this photo come together to meet at one vanishing point in the middle. Even the lines that are parallel converge to meet at one similar point.

5) Height Perspective- The base of this image has a low horizon line, indicating that the camera was at a low viewpoint.

6) Overlap Perspective- The trees towards the front of the picture will overlap the further away trees in the background of the image, giving the viewer a feeling of depth.  

7) Dwindling Size Perspective- As the towers become further back in distance from the foreground, they become smaller in size.

8) Volume Perspective- Because of the amount of light in the photo, We are able to fully perceive the actual value and shape of the subject in the image.

9) Atmospheric Perspective- The atmosphere in this photo is far from crisp. This image has a fuzzy feeling to it because of it's atmosphere. The fog or stream of the photo make it unclear and present a different image.

10)Bird's Eye View Perspective- The view of this city is elevated as if you have a higher view of the whole image. 

11) Worm's Eye View Perspective- The angle of this picture indicated that the camera is lower than the subject of this photo and point at an upwards angle, indicating that the photo was taken at a lower spot contrast to the subject of the image.

12) Forced Perspective- Based on the actual size of both subjects, This picture is not realistic. Its fixed based on the placement of the subjects in the background and foreground to produce a false image.